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Karyn Padilla


Phone: 512-847-3407


Karyn Padilla, Counselor


Role of the Counselor at BHP

The role of the counselor at BHP is to provide a comprehensive, developmental guidance and counseling program to all students in order to support personal, social/emotional and academic growth. This is done through guidance curriculum, individual planning, responsive services and system support. The counselor works with all students in order to help provide a safe learning environment and provide the students support in the school setting. 

  • Implement Campus level Comprehensive School Counseling Program (The Texas Model)

  • Provide a time-limited safe space for students needing increased level of support

  • Teach regular guidance lessons supporting our TEXAN Roots curriculum which focus on responsible decision making, self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and social awareness campus-wide

  • Facilitate short-term small group counseling

  • Provide immediate and short-term individual counseling

  • Crisis responsive services

  • Work collaboratively with teachers and staff

  • Consult with parents

  • Provide information for community resources to families

  • Provide safe space for students in order to return to the academic setting

  • Gifted and Talented testing

  • Assist with other campus activities