Karyn Padilla, Counselor
Role of the Counselor at BHP
The role of the counselor at BHP is to provide a comprehensive, developmental guidance and counseling program to all students in order to support personal, social/emotional and academic growth. This is done through guidance curriculum, individual planning, responsive services and system support. The counselor works with all students in order to help provide a safe learning environment and provide the students support in the school setting.
Implement Campus level Comprehensive School Counseling Program (The Texas Model)
Provide a time-limited safe space for students needing increased level of support
Teach regular guidance lessons supporting our TEXAN Roots curriculum which focus on responsible decision making, self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and social awareness campus-wide
Facilitate short-term small group counseling
Provide immediate and short-term individual counseling
Crisis responsive services
Work collaboratively with teachers and staff
Consult with parents
Provide information for community resources to families
Provide safe space for students in order to return to the academic setting
Gifted and Talented testing
Assist with other campus activities